The Best Shabby Chic Blog
Posted by Olivia Sum on
Let’s be honest – some websites just have that shabby chic feel about them, that old time-worn look that gives them a vintage and fresh look that has you simply green eyed over the great look. I’ve trawled the web to find where shabby chic is used, how it’s used and why it’s used and I’ve come up with a few great pages and blogs that will keep you inspired and give you many great shabby chic ideas to use in your upcoming projects whether they are traditional or digital.

Must see shabby chic sites – It’s kind of annoying how this one woman, Rachel Ashwell bagged the best domain name for her blog but she does deserve a clap for the style and layout as well as the information packed onto this great site.
This is basically a shop that has everything shabby from furniture to baby clothes and gives you some true motivation to turn your home into something shabby looking. Fabrics, towels, glasses, stationary and basically whatever comes to mind – you can be sure to find it here. To make your wander a little more interesting she has started a blog where she inspires you with her crafty ideas, new and old projects and of course all the pastel colours on the palette. – This website uses a simplistic look but contains shabbier chic than anywhere else on the web. It’s basically one long post of all the creations and crafts that she has transformed into what we call shabby chic.
There are some great ideas if you don’t mind looking at it all – the one thing that always puts people off is the fact that it is a vertical list which makes finding something a little difficult. Apart from the sad layout – you can find some great inspiration here. - This great blog shows the journey of how one woman has created a shabby chic feel in her home. Her posts are funny, uplifting and she takes great pictures. Her ideas want to get every woman motivated to start painting furniture white and using old-fashioned wallpaper designs.
She started blogging in 2012 and has over 600+ posts to date. She shows inspiration like no other and simply showcases her beautiful ideas and work – and followers can’t help but stealing her projects! – Let’s be honest everyone has a different idea of shabby chic and this site is home to some great elements and designs that you can purchase for your many needs.
This is basically a scrapbooker’s heaven and especially those that love colour and shabby chic style. Find headers, layouts, themes and other elements to add to your digital or traditionally printed scrapbook. Add some sazz to your blog and install the great buttons and blinkies which you will simply fall in love with. – Another great blog with some avid inspiration choices to look at. The photography is simply amazing and the ideas are out of this world. The ideas and colour pallets shown here can provide everyone with a backdrop and setting for your next shabby chic crafty project. – This British owned boutique is a place to go to buy everything functional, practical and of course, shabby chic. Choose from décor and great collections that will have your head spinning.
Read through the blog, see all the great wedding ideas and browse through the home ideas and creative artists that really bring shabby chic to life. Their prices aren’t too expensive and they have many world-wide satisfied customers that go back to shop with them time and time again. Even if you don’t buy anything you can really find some wonderful inspiration here.
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